Make it free proprietary technology allows consumers access to unlimited amounts of free-of-charge and ad-free content.
In exchange, consumers receive your brands curated offer, as well as earn rewards.
The make it free AD NETWORK creates a personal, positivity-charged relationship between your Brand and a set of highly targeted consumers.
This ‘pay-it-forward’ approach establishes a ‘halo effect’ for your brand, providing a deeper brand/consumer relationship, resulting in a higher-than-average ROI.
Consumers know we never share or sell their identifiable data.
Consumers actively consent to receive your Brand’s offer.
Email delivery does not interrupt the Consumer enjoying content.
Consumers are further incentivized to review the offer by receiving reward coins.
Consumers know we never share or sell their identifiable data.
Consumers actively consent to receive your Brand’s offer.
Your brand engages with willing participants at the right point in time.
Your brand is now the source of multiple rewards for the consumer.
Positivity charged consumer means higher conversions, and greater ROI.